Pelvic Organ Prolapse. But what does it mean? Loss of support for the uterus, bladder or bowel so that one or more of these compartments can find themselves in the vagina. This can have an enormous impact on a woman’s health, affecting bowel, bladder and even sexual function.
Ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. Do you strain to empty your bowel & feel like you haven’t completely emptied?
2. Do you have bowel movements less than three times a week?
3. Do you have to rush to the toilet or experience soiling of your underwear?
If you...
Morning sickness is like your body’s built-in early warning system – alert, a baby is coming. While you’re excited to know that bub really is there, it’s not so fun when that hungover feeling hits you like a hurricane.While food might be the last thing...
Have you tried a cold shower before?
The idea is you want to get the blood flowing with warm water since the warm temperatures will open the blood vessels and flush the body with blood.
Do your breasts feel hard, painful and warm to touch? Do you have a tender, red lump? Are you feeling feverish and unwell?
Engorgement, blocked ducts and mastitis are painful and make breastfeeding difficult and uncomfortable. This is very distressing and can affect your ability to...